Wow Moments

ASF dream achieved!

1)  Akshar Sarita Foundation’s first free lending library opened up In Gosavi Vasti, Happy Colony, Pune. The number of young readers increased day by day. At the end of the two years, around 300 children were members of the library. 

Many of them had read 25 to 30 books and a few of them had read 40 to 50 books during this time. But Dasharath Gavade, an 8th standard student proved to be the most exceptional reader. He never missed one single library day. Every Sunday he was the first one standing in the queue, waiting patiently for the library doors to open at 5:00 pm. 

In two years Dasharath had read 75 books on various topics. 

That was a moment of total satisfaction for ASF volunteers.

2) Deendayal Marathi School 20-08-2022

It was almost 12: 30 in the afternoon. The Library class for Std VI in the Pandit Deendayal Marathi School was over. Rohini and Vidya, the volunteers of Akshar Sarita Foundation started collecting the books from the students. The bell rang and all the students ran out of the class room to go home.

But not Rajesh. He could not bear to let go of the book. He wanted to read it till the end and then go home.

Rohini and Vidya, both enthusiastic and sincere volunteers, decided to wait and allow Rajesh to finish reading the book.

After completing his book, Rajesh left with a smile on his face: a happy and satisfied young reader.  

Three cheers for Rohini and Vidya for creating a wow moment in ASF story!

Deendayal Marathi Medium School Std VI
                         याचसाठी केला अट्टाहास.
                         शाळा सुटली..सगळी मुले पळाली 
                         पण राजेशला पुस्तक सोडवेना. 
                         राजेशने पूर्ण पुस्तक वाचलं आणि मगच
                         आम्ही वर्गातुन निघालो.

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